I’m a Woman…

by farahhashim


by Lebanese Artist Cesar Gemayyel

I feel lucky everyday I wake up

I feel lucky everyday I wear a bra

I feel lucky everyday I hold a lipstick  between my fingers

Then I look at the mirror and I smile …

I feel lucky every time my feet hurt when I wear heels

After the pain, after the swelling

I look at the mirror and I smile..

I feel lucky every time I snap a picture

Every time I paint myself

Every time I read a book about love, passion in history

I feel lucky when I stand in the street defending another woman

When I protest for her, her smile

Her power ….

Her strength

I feel lucky when I see my mother every minute of the day

When I talk to my mother on the phone

I feel lucky, happy when I fall in love with a man

When I imagine myself pregnant with our baby

A new life is being created …

I feel lucky when I realize we are blessed with  a super power

Yes we are sensitive

Yes we are emotional

Yes we are not perfect

Yes we cry if we see a good film a good book or even gain a pound

Yes we laugh if we hangout with our  girlfriends, read a dirty joke or fit in a new jeans…

Yes we have our shallow moments

But we are deep creatures from within..

I feel lucky when I know we are the  children of  eve..

The smartest women on this planet …

I feel lucky when I see my belly growing in front of me .. when I know I’m creating a life inside of me

I feel lucky when I graduate

When I get a new job

When I get promoted

When I write a book, make a film, or even design a project …

I feel lucky when i win  an award or a degree

Then I hold a different lipstick and i smile …

I’m a woman…

To all the women out there